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Showing posts from October, 2019

2019 - Week 7 Recap

Week 7 Recap I chose the one week I won to not write a recap. It's like I purposely passed up an opportunity to gloat. Very magnanimous of me. After this week, we officially have no more 0 win or 0 loss teams. Justin popped his cherry with me and River's team finally shit the bed against Mike. League parity, baby. We've achieved it. Let's take a look at the deets. Mat (1-6) vs Justin (1-6) Match of the week. The two juggernauts of the garbage bowl. Just last week, we both had no wins. We've both since turned our seasons around with 1 win apiece, simply astounding. Who could have seen this coming? In a statement win, Justin ends up with the highest score of the week, beating me 151.14-131.78. Aaron Rodgers scored 43 points in an absolute ass-blasting of the Raiders. 5 pass TDs and 1 rushing one for good measure. It would have been absurd if Justin somehow managed to lose with that performance on his team. The rest of his team did OK, no one scored too far ab

2019 - Week 5 Recap

Week 5 Recap River - Jabba the Chub (5-0) vs Mat - Gay Ass (0-5) The question burning on everyone's mind this week. Will Mat ever win again? I can't say yes with any confidence. I once again had the opportunity to win with the right moves but fucked it up by being a fuck up. River continues his undefeated streak with a 142-122 win over the resident taco, me. I left multiple ~20 point performances on my bench in Sony Michel, Matt Breida, and Courtland Sutton. While my "top tier" starters like Odell, Hopkins, and Conner languished in mediocrity. My rotating carousel of shitty QBs continue and I actually have to go crawling back to Kirk Cousins this week after Mason Rudolph died on the field. I still believe deep down that my team is good, when the dam breaks and I finally win one, I'll never lose again. River's 2 QBs Watson and Wilson combined for fucking 70 points. That's probably more points than I've gotten at QB in the first 5 weeks combined.

2019 - Week 4 Recap + Power Rankings

Quarter Way Through - Power Rankings We're a quarter way through the season and since I didn't write a recap last week I thought I'd do a little extra this week with an arbitrary power ranking. Brent - Wanna be a Waller (4-0): Brent is 4-0 with the most points for. He's got the #1 spot locked in pretty solid. He has top 10 players in pretty much every slot. Pat Mahomes, Dak Prescott, Austin Ekeler, Zeke, Michael Thomas, Chris Carson. Pretty much every person on his roster has lit up fantasy news in recent weeks. This will be hard to beat. Mike - Gucci Garopp (3-1): Look, I know River has a better record, but I think Mike's team overall is stronger. His lineup of Alvin, Dalvin, and Melvin has to be the strongest RB lineup in our league. Look for Mike to pass up River in the near future. River - Jabba the Chub (4-0): Beginner's luck. The new guy always slays. Last year it was Brad, this year it's River. His team doesn't have quite the same star s