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2019 - Week 7 Recap

Week 7 Recap

I chose the one week I won to not write a recap. It's like I purposely passed up an opportunity to gloat. Very magnanimous of me. After this week, we officially have no more 0 win or 0 loss teams. Justin popped his cherry with me and River's team finally shit the bed against Mike. League parity, baby. We've achieved it. Let's take a look at the deets.

Mat (1-6) vs Justin (1-6)

Match of the week. The two juggernauts of the garbage bowl. Just last week, we both had no wins. We've both since turned our seasons around with 1 win apiece, simply astounding. Who could have seen this coming? In a statement win, Justin ends up with the highest score of the week, beating me 151.14-131.78. Aaron Rodgers scored 43 points in an absolute ass-blasting of the Raiders. 5 pass TDs and 1 rushing one for good measure. It would have been absurd if Justin somehow managed to lose with that performance on his team. The rest of his team did OK, no one scored too far above their projections. He really did go all in against the home team by starting Jimmy Graham. Perhaps Justin's new strategy is to bet hard against the Raiders. At least he'll get a fantasy win out of a Raiders' loss. The man knows how to hedge a bet. I actually did OK this week. I would have beat 4 other teams and kept my streak going if not for matchup luck, but that's fantasy football for ya. Hopkins finally did WR1 things and Kirk Cousins is all the rage again. My RB combo of Breida and Mack are looking kinda anemic. Definitely feeling the burn of bye weeks with Conner and Beckham on the bench. Hopefully I can claw my way back to the vaunted #7 spot next week.

Jono (5-2) vs Dylan (3-4)

In the weakest (and closest) win of the week, Jono beats Dylan 91-89. Jono's QBs of Kyler Murray and Matt Ryan combined for less than 10 points and he still won. Ryan even injured himself to boot. Jono's team did so bad I don't even know what to highlight. Devonta Freeman got ejected after scoring 3 points, DK Metcalf fumbled for a TD on one of the last plays of the game, Kerryon Johnson got injured after scoring 2 points. His team is collapsing before our eyes. The only good thing that happened for Jono this week is the return of Saquon. The fact that he still pulled out the win speaks volumes about Dylan's team. Dylan's 4 Eagles combined for 17 points. What more is there to say? Actually, I'm sure I can come up with some more. Remember when I said he was chasing points after Will Fuller's 46 point performance in week 5? Fuller put up 6.9 week 6 and then 1.1 this week before leaving the game with an injury. Joe Mixon has been removed from the can't cut list. The ultimate judgement passed by the fantasy gods. I was actually hoping to draft Mixon, thank you Dylan for taking that bullet. Dylan's team should bounce back next week when CMC comes back from bye. I can't say the same for Jono's team.

River (6-1) vs Mike (4-3)

River is finally defeated by Mike this week with a score of 145-107. David Johnson and Delanie Walker both swindled River with a "I'll play, just kidding I won't" move. Both bowed outta the game after indicating that they'd play through an injury. Deshaun Watson and Russell Wilson both looked human this week against a couple of strong defenses. The rest of his team did nothing of note with the exception of NE def who continues to be the best running back in fantasy. River has a few things to look forward to next week with the return of Chubb from bye and Mohammed Sanu being traded to the Patriots. I don't think his woes will last too long. Mike got great value out of pretty much everyone on his roster. Except for Melvin Gordon. It seems like the Chargers' offense has evolved to play around Ekeler in his absence and it's been a struggle to fit him back in. Alvin Kamara stayed out this week with an injury leaving Mike with only Dalvin Cook to carry the load. And carry he did, Dalvin skeeted his way to 27 points in a shoot out against Detroit. Mike's team should only improve with the return of Alvin.

Sak (3-4) vs Brent (5-2)

Sak pulled one out in a tight game against Brent, beating him 144-138. Jared Goff finally delivered against one of the worst teams in the league, as did the Rams' DEF. Lamar Jackson continues to be the steal of the year and Fournette is quickly becoming the best RB in fantasy. Calvin Ridley might start delivering more value now that Sanu has been traded to the Pats. Sak dropped then picked up Devin Singletary again in a snip snap snip snap move. Not sure if that'll actually pay off but a starting RB is a starting RB. Brent lost Pat Mahomes this week in a huge blow to his starting line up, but he should be OK with Jacoby Brisset on his bench. Speaking of bench, Brent's bench put up more points than his starting line up. He could have easily won, and some say he should have easily won. A little mixing and matching and he would have had the highest score of the week. Pity for his matchup this week but definitely a good problem to have in the long run. He'll probably make the right decision more often than not.


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